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Year 6 Home Learning
In the sub-menu, you will find some useful practice packs to support Year 6 pupils with their learning at home. Pupils should have a go and work through the packs in addition to the CGP study books they have been given. Please check our site regularly for updates resources.
Messages from Teachers
Letter to Year 6 - 2nd April 2020 (Click here).
Hello 6SH,
I hope you are doing well and spending your time wisely. (Which of our quotes would suit this statement?)
Without a doubt this time away from school has allowed me to do some self-evaluations and I would encourage you to do the same. Through self-evaluating I have had to also reminisce on the hard work we had all been putting in as to ensure our success in our SATs. I know you are disappointed you didn’t get a chance to have that satisfaction of sitting it and reaping your reward for your hard work. Let it not be said it was all for nothing as learning is for a life time. Things will change and evolve but a good foundation will secure our strengthened growth. Secondary school will be a whole different ball game but you are more than capable to play; not just play but play well.
I am still hoping we will get a chance to return so we can say our proper goodbyes. However, this might be wishful thinking. Being that we have the best authors of WBA in our class-shh it’s a secret don’t let the others know- let’s journal our experience during this quarantine.
Here are some ideas to get your journal started:
- What have you been doing during this time?
- What feeling have you felt?
- Have you had any questions?
Pretend we’ll be putting it in a time capsule. You can choose to send it to the past with ideas of how to prevent this from happening or you can send it to the future to someone who never experienced it.
Stay safe and I’m looking forward to reading your journal entries.
Your teacher,
Mrs. Henry
Monday 27th April 2020
Hi everyone,
It has been 5 weeks since we have last met at school and in that short space of time the world we know has rotated 180°. I trust you all well and missing school as much as me. Like you, I have structured my day starting with a tough aerobic workout, followed by breakfast at 7am.I have to check my daughter has her set work for the day before researching tasks I know you will find challenging and exciting. I have experimented with baking and learning a new language, but after about 30 minutes I gave up on learning how to knit. I have however managed to engage in two of my favourite pastimes reading and aviation. I have read 6 books with the most interesting been, Alone in Berlin. I am a big fan of Sam Chui – if you like flying and travelling you would love this.
Until next time. Ciao
Mr Southgate