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- Reading
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- Year 4 Home Learning
- English
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- Humanities
- Religious Education
- Spanish
- Art and D&T
- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Year 5 Home Learning
- Maths
- Science
- Reading
- English
- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Art and D&T
- Computing
- Spanish
- Religious Education
- Humanities
- Year 5 Summer Booster
- D&T
- Year 6 Home Learning
- Autumn 1
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- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Maths & Science Academy Home Learning
- House System
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- School Council
- Online Safety
- Year 6 Transition
- Preparing to return to school after the Covid-19 lockdown
Year 5 Home Learning
Summer Holiday Project
New Year 5 timetable for Summer Term
In this section you will find all the resources for pupils in Year 5.
Click on the subheadings by subject. Please check regularly for updated material.
Messages from Year 5 teachers
Dear 5MOL,
I hope you are well in these strange and unusual times.
Attitude determines Altitude! That is our motto and you must keep up a positive attitude and keep going even if things may seem difficult.
What have I been doing? Remember all our fantastic work in Art and DT? Carefully, I have been trying to use a cam mechanism and create a moving toy. This has proved challenging, but I will keep going. Have a look at these resources and investigate cam mechanisms on BBC Bitesize. Can you create your own moving toy?
Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Mr. Olaniran
Week 2
Dear 5TC,
I hope things are going well at home. I am really looking forward to reading some of your stories please can you email them to
I am still home-schooling my son, who is missing his usual teacher. He is working very hard at home.
I am taking an online course to learn how to speak Spanish, so when we return to school, I will be more fluent when teaching it. You can access this free website to practice your Spanish too!
Have you been watching Joe Wickes on YouTube? I have been trying to do his PE sessions with Joshua; it's a struggle to keep up! I will give you an update next week on how I get on!
I hope you are all making good use of your Times Table Rockstars Log ins. How Did you know that you can collect coins to change your avatar (character)?
I am really missing you all, hopefully we will be back to school soon.
Take care and look after yourself and your family.
Ms. Campbell