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- Year 4 Home Learning
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- Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- Year 5 Home Learning
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Year 4 Home Learning
Summer Holiday Project
In this section you will find all the resources for pupils in Year 4.
Click on the subheadings by subject. Please check regularly for updated material.
A letter from your teacher
Summer 1 Week 5
I hope you are all still okay and finding ways to keep busy. I am still finding things to keep me busy. I have carried on with my language learning and watched a few films this week in Hindi – I’m understanding more and more. I have also been, the usual weekly delivery man, delivering shopping to my grandparents.
I had an email from Mrs Bird and she has told me that she is setting work for you on ‘Charanga’. I gave you your passwords so please make sure you are doing your music work. Please get in contact with me if you haven’t got your log in details.
Times Tables Rock Stars
I have been checking TTRS and have seen many of you practising regularly, but some of you haven’t played for a long time. Please continue to play and as soon as we are back at school prizes will be handed out the highest scorers – just like when we were in school.
I hope you are also reading often and practising reading a wide range of books and materials. Try this website for something different:
I hope you have been keeping active. I would like you to have a go at this – try a new one each day:
Remember that you can practise your Spanish using Rosetta Stone:
The other work for you has been uploaded to the website.
Have a good week, look after yourselves and stay safe!
Mr Grant