Winterbourne Boys' Academy Winterbourne Boys' Academy

Winterbourne Boys’ Academy

A Platanos Trust School

WBA Podcasts

We are excited to announce that WBA have started our own podcast. Podcasting is a wonderful way of allowing pupils to share their work and experiences with a wider audience over the Internet. We invite all parents and carers to listen and celebrate the achievements of our pupils

How do children benefit from making a podcast?

  • It gives them a potential audience of thousands for their work.
  • It's great for developing literacy skills (writing scripts, setting up interviews etc), allows children to develop and practise their speaking and listening skills, and they also learn some amazing ICT skills.
  • Our Podcasts are interactive, and the audience are invited to send their comments, giving valuable feedback to the children about their work.
  • Making a podcast is also great for developing teamwork skills. The children always work together really well, as they're always keen to make a great show.

Please click on the links below to listen

Podcast#1 - What makes Winterbourne a wonderful school?

Podcast#2 - The Wonders of The Multiverse

Podcast#3 - Excellence with The Maths Academy

Podcast#4 - WBA Breakfast Club

Podcast#5 - The Healthy Eagles Eating Programme

Podcast#6 - What does it mean to be a leader at WBA?

Podcast#7 - Greenhouse Gases with The Science Academy

Podcast #8 - Strengthening Activities with The Healthy Eagles

Podcast #9 - Headboys wishing all a fantastic Half Term break

Podcast #10 - Winterbourne vs Cypress Academy

Podcast #11 - Health and Hygiene