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Pupil Premium
1. Introduction
The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided by the Department for Education to enhance the education of social-economically disadvantaged pupils (namely those pupils entitled to free school meals (FSM) and 'Looked After Children' (LAC) or adopted from care).
Schools are free to decide on how best to allocate the funds for programmes to support its disadvantaged pupils.
In September 2024, the percentage of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium (including pupils previously registered for FSM within the last six years, known as 'FSM Ever-6') at the school is currently 33%.
The estimated amount of Pupil Premium funding allocated for the 2024-2025 academic year is £113,220.
2. Our Strategy
Strategy statement 2024-2025
Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement outlines our strategy to enable pupils to overcome the barriers to educational achievement. This statement adopts the template provided by the DfE and is provided below.
Click here for our statement (pdf).
A summary of the interventions/provision and the reasons for our approach
The Pupil Premium provision is planned in an integrated and targeted manner for this academic year to ensure that those pupils entitled to the Pupil Premium receive additional support to address the identified barriers.
Our approach is a multifaceted, layered approach in order to provide bespoke support to pupils to overcome barriers both through academic and pastoral support. This involves senior staff, middle leaders monitoring and taking responsibility for specific year groups, and driven by both teaching and non-teaching staff and external professionals. This flexible, dynamic approach is required to reflect the complex needs of pupils, the changing social factors and trends, and allows us to react accordingly to provide a wholesome level of support.
A summary of the provision and support strategies to address the identified barriers this academic year:
- Additional specialist teaching staff to run booster sessions and interventions for groups of pupils.
- Designated teaching staff to run targeted interventions (including phonics, reading, mathematics) through booster classes and catch up classes after school and Saturdays.
- Small group tuition and nurturing to support pupils with specific needs.
- Coaching/mentoring or counselling for individuals (including behaviour).
- One-to-one booster reading support.
- Read Write Inc phonics programme to target eligible pupils.
- Bespoke reading resources.
- Outdoor adventure learning and educational trips linked to curriculum areas to raise the level of engagement and enthusiasm, particularly for those who are underachieving.
- Extracurricular clubs: for example, sports clubs, ICT clubs, games clubs linked to the curriculum, dance and music. These aim to broaden the curriculum and increase motivation and enjoyment.
- Challenge programme of workshops and trips for the most able disadvantaged pupils.
- Breakfast Club and Homework Club.
- Staff training on improving feedback for pupils with a focus on precision feedback around progress in writing and mathematics. This aims to accelerate the progress of pupils through clear, consistent feedback.
- Parental liaison and workshops to improve behaviour for learning and home-school links.
- Key Stage 1 to 2 transition sessions for pupils.
- Key Stage 2 to 3 transition sessions for pupils.
3. How we will measure the effect of the Pupil Premium
We will monitor the effect of the pupil premium through a range of different measures where applicable. This will include:
- Overall academic progress made by disadvantaged pupils in comparison to 'other' pupils.
- Wider (extracurricular) achievements.
- Level of engagement in educational activities, learning, and other wider extracurricular activities.
- Behaviour and personal skills development.
- Cognitive or mental health and wellbeing.
- Attendance/punctuality.
The above will be evaluated through a number of ways. This will include:
- Tracking and analysis of pupil data and outcomes.
- Case studies.
- Feedback evaluation.
4. The Impact
The support from our intervention programmes have a positive impact on our pupils' progress and attainment.
- The attainment of our disadvantaged pupils are in line with their peers.
- The progress made by our disadvantaged pupils in all subjects are in line with their peers.
- There is high engagement with the extracurriculum, also in line with their peers.
Date of next review of the strategy: July 2025