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PE and Sport Grant
The PE and Sport Grant is funding provided by the Department for Education specifically to fund improvements to PE and sport for the benefit of primary-aged pupils.
The school has been allocated £18,360 for the 2021-2022 academic year.
In summary, the grant will be used for the following:
- Specialist coaching for pupils.
- Subject specific training of staff to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
- Additional PE clubs and workshops (including cricket).
- Additional PE teaching resources and equipment.
- Additional sport-related competitions and trips.
- Programme of promoting well-being and healthy lifestyles.
Click here for the budget plan of our provision for 2021-2022.
The impact
The impact of the above programmes will be monitored over the academic year.
The impact of the grant in 2020-2021:
- Increase in the quantity of extra-curricular provision.
- Improvement in the quality of extra-curricular provision.
- Professional development of teachers in PE and sport.
- Specialist sports coaching delivered to pupils.
- Increased numbers in sports clubs participation.
- Increased participation of sports competitions. Cricket was added as part of the expansion - the school cricket team were runners up in the Croydon local schools cricket championships.
- Increased teaching resources and equipment.
- Structured programme of swimming lessons for pupils.
The percentage of pupils within the year 6 cohort that can do each of the following:
- 56% can swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 40% can use a range of strokes effectively
- 35% can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
How will the school ensure that the improvements will be sustainable?
- We will be using our pupil leadership programme to train/coach pupil leaders. This has two functions: this will be helpful in terms of leadership skills development for pupils and the trained pupils will be able to assist with coaching and peer mentoring in order for the clubs/provision to continue to be engaging for pupils.
- We have a very strong partnership with Platanos College, a senior school in the academy trust. A programme of activities in collaboration ensures that our provision remains strong and the improvements will be sustained year on year.
- The investment in our existing staff for professional development means that our staff will be able to sustain the provision by continuing to deliver the provision on a permanent basis.
- The investment in equipment ensures that, as part of a long term plan, we can continue to provide the same standard of delivery and sustain improvements.
- Data tracking to be further developed to ensure close monitoring of pupils' step-by-step progression.