Winterbourne Boys' Academy Winterbourne Boys' Academy

Winterbourne Boys’ Academy

A Platanos Trust School

The new CHABOP merit system

The new CHABOP merit system forms part of the school's Behaviour Policy.  It has a focus on Behaviour for Learning and is based on rewarding good work and developing the best behaviour to support learning. 

  • Good behaviour is rewarded; poor behaviour results in sanctions.
  • Pupils will be rewarded and graded according to their CHABOP record.
  • CHABOP stands for Classwork, Homework, Attendance, Behaviour, Organisation and Punctuality.
  • Pupils will be awarded MERIT POINTS for good behaviour and positive attitude.
  • Poor behaviour and attitude will result in DEMERIT POINTS.
  • A high CHABOP score will win prizes and the opportunity to take part in exciting additional activities.
  • Pupils will be able to monitor their own CHABOP score so that they can see how their behaviour is linked to their progress.
  • Pupils start off each new term with a fresh chance to build a good CHABOP record.