Winterbourne Boys' Academy Winterbourne Boys' Academy

Winterbourne Boys’ Academy

A Platanos Trust School

Our new School Councillors


We are proud to announce that we have elected our first group of Winterbourne Boys’ Academy School Councillors.  

Our new School Councillors are:

Samuel Campbell, Pennel Odonkor, Sabawoon Amiri, Mohamed Rajeek, Fareed Ali, Irtaza Hussain, Temone Harris, Emad Khan, Kareem Beshir, Abdurahman Vallimahomed, Kyon Colu, Alex Cuciureanu, Ali Khan, Rayyan Lunat, Henry Coffie, Kishoth Kanthasmy, Jabir Laassri and Riaz Pathan.

Many congratulations on their election.

Our School Councillors are the voice for our pupils. They will be meeting regularly with the School Council Leader and they will be a pupil voice on what is going well in the school and what improvements they wish to make. Our School Councillors will also be meeting with members of staff, including the Headteacher, to ensure that they have an input in the development of our school. If your son discusses any concerns or great ideas to develop our school, please encourage them to speak to their class School Councillor so that they can bring the information to our School Council meetings for discussion.

School Council 2015

 Our new School Councillors