Winterbourne Boys' Academy Winterbourne Boys' Academy

Winterbourne Boys’ Academy

A Platanos Trust School

Inspire Maths: new challenge programme

Our boys at Winterbourne Boys' Academy have always enjoyed participating in challenging Maths activities. At the beginning of this term, we introduced Inspire Maths to our curriculum. The Inspire Maths programme is based on a Singapore Maths concept of teaching maths and uses a concrete, pictorial and abstract form of teaching and learning. All teachers and children have already reported that the introduction of Inspire Maths has improved progress throughout Maths lessons. pupils:

“Inspire Maths has taught me many things in different ways, for example: ratios, proportions, adding, dividing, fractions, percentages and decimals”.  Andre-Kades Lennox, Class 1

It helps those who are struggling with maths. It also explains how to work out the sequence and gives examples if someone is finding it difficult”.  Abdurahman Valimahomed, Class 1

Inspire Maths is a very good idea, it’s helping many children.  I have been watching how it helps and the different ways to practice and the text books have been useful”. Frederick Abakah-Woode, Class 4

Inspire Maths is working well.  Everyone is learning something new every day”. Irtaza Hussain, Class 4